Operational Maritime Law
Operational Maritime Law
#7 Martin Fink - The Law of Naval Warfare
Captain (NLD N) Dr. Martin Fink is a legal advisor in the Royal Netherlands Navy and research fellow at the Royal Netherland Defence Academy. We sat down to discuss his recent article 'The Ever-existing “Crisis” of the Law of Naval Warfare'. In addition to his article, our conversation ranged from blockades, contraband, and prize law, to the influence of military manuals on customary international law, as well as Martin's top advice for aspiring operational lawyers.
The ever-existing “crisis” of the law of naval warfare | International Review of the Red Cross (icrc.org)
War and security at sea | International Review of the Red Cross (icrc.org)
The War at Sea: Is There a Naval Blockade in the Sea of Azov? - Lieber Institute West Point
San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea - ICRC
National Military Manuals – IIHL